

            I have always been interested in photographs which are narrative and dramatic. My style has evolved from found still lifes, human expression and personalities, and the study of the unconscious mind. With the aid of photographs from life, models, and digital manipulation, I recreate my previously recorded dreams which are sketched on the night they occur. Through this process I have come to the realization that dreams are not as peaceful as they are popularly portrayed; making the expression “all your dreams come true” a frightening concept. Upon analysis of my own dreams the most common themes, anxieties, fear, and loss, are more easily recalled but I find the more visually dramatic to be from more carefree themes.. In the keeping of a daily journal I have discovered some of my dreams correspond with life events while others remain hidden and mysterious. For example, the image titled “Blind”, shows a person being directed off a cliff. This image came from one particular period where I was under a lot of stress, no longer able to determine my own activities, and at the whim of some unknown controller. On the other hand in “Egyptian” where a figure is awaiting a ship, armed with a spear, may be inspired by current events, my love of history, fantasy, and my own need to strike out on my own. Dreams express what is going on in one’s life and like the arts attempt to convey emotions which others can interpret based on their experiences. The difference is that dreams are presented only to the dreamer while the arts can be shared by all. Through conversations with other people about their dreams, I have found some common themes. One such theme being  forced off a cliff by a unknown person as illustrated in “Blind” which suggests a possible fear of losing control over one's life. In bringing my dreams into the context of art, I am attempting to lay bare those themes which are shared by all.

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